domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017


Casi finalizado el mes de noviembre os dejamos imágenes de todo lo que hemos aprendido y disfrutado en el colegio. Con motivo del día 20 de noviembre en el que se conmemora el día mundial de los derechos de la infancia, este mes lo hemos dedicado a concienciar sobre los derechos que muchos niños y niñas no disfrutan en algunos países, incluso en el nuestro. Previamente a este día en cada clase se realizaron variadas actividades como murales, visualizar videos, poemas y canciones donde nuestro alumnado reivindicó sus derechos como niños y niñas. 
Ademas el lunes 20 de noviembre llegaron desde Melbourne la familia de Claire, Zacarie y Elliot quienes han disfrutado durante 5 días de la metodología que el CEIP Menéndez y Pelayo ofrece a su alumando. 
La semana ha sido muy intensa y culminó con la III Carrera Solidaria "Save the Children" y el botellón musical preparado por el maestro de música Juanjo. 
Os dejamos con las imágenes que resumen toda esta semana, esperando que nuestros amigos y amigas de Melbourne disfruten casi como si hubieran estado con nosotros. 

Almost finished the month of November we leave you images of everything we have learned and enjoyed in school. On 20th November, which commemorates the world day of children's rights, this month we have dedicated to raise awareness about the rights that many children do not enjoy in some countries, including ours. Before this week, many activities were carried out such as murals, videos, poems and songs where our students claimed their rights as boys and girls.

Also on Monday, November 20, Claire, Zacarie and Elliot's family arrived from Melbourne. They have enjoyed the methodology that the CEIP Menéndez y Pelayo offers for five days.

The week was very intense and culminated with the III Solidarity Race "Save the Children" and the musical bottle show prepared by the music teacher Juanjo.

We leave you with the images that summarize all this week, hoping that our friends from Melbourne enjoy almost as if they had been with us.

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017


Con el mes de noviembre comenzamos nuevo proyecto para enseñar a nuestro Koala Pelayín. Con motivo del próximo día 20 de noviembre, Día de los derechos de la infancia, nuestro alumnado va a conocer y trabajar con distintas actividades cuáles son los derechos de los niñas y niños y participaremos en nuestra tercera carrera solidaria a beneficio de la ONG Save the Children, además de celebrar la última semana de este mes, el día de la Discapacidad. Esperamos la colaboración y participación de toda nuestra comunidad educativa.

With the month of November we started a new project to teach our Koala Pelayín a new theme. On November 20, Children's Rights Day, our students will know and work with different activities what are the rights of children and we will participate in our third charity race for the benefit of the NGO Save the Children, besides celebrating the last week of this month, the day of Disability. We hope for the collaboration and participation of our entire educational community.


Finalizado el mes de octubre ya podemos mostraros una pequeña visión sobre todo lo que nuestro alumnado ha aprendido y le ha enseñado a nuestro Koala Pelayín. Así nuestros amigos y amigas de Melbourne pueden conocer lo importante que ha sido Cristobal Colón y cómo partió a descubrir el nuevo mundo desde nuestra provincia, Huelva, muy cerca de Valverde.

After the month of October we can show you a vision about everything our students have learned and taught our Koala Pelayín. So our friends from Melbourne can know how important Christopher Columbus has been and how he set off to discover the new world from our province, Huelva, very close to Valverde.

martes, 10 de octubre de 2017


Este mes de octubre, comenzamos con el nuevo proyecto de este curso "Un Koala en Valverde". Trabajaremos todo lo relacionado con el próximo 12 de octubre día de la Hispanidad y nuestro Koala aprenderá muchas cosas de nuestra provincia y como Cristobal Colón estuvo muy cerquita de Valverde preparando su viaje al nuevo mundo.

This month of October,  we begin with the new project of this course "Un Koala en Valverde". We will work everything related to the next holiday day, October 12th,   Spanishness day and our Koala will learn many things about our province and how Christopher Columbus was very close to Valverde preparing his trip to the new world.

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017


Comenzamos el nuevo curso escolar con una gran visita que da el pistoletazo de salida a un nuevo proyecto de centro, "Un Koala en Valverde" fruto de nuestro hermanamiento con el colegio de primaria Sunshine Heights  en la ciudad de  Melbourne (Australia).
Durante este curso aprenderemos muchas cosas sobre ese país y al mismo tiempo,nuestro alumnado enseñará nuestra cultura, gastronomía, tradiciones, etc a nuestros amigos y amigas de Melbourne a través del personaje del Koala.
¡Será una gran aventura a la invitamos a participar a toda nuestra comunidad educativa!A continuación algunas fotos del Koala con los juegos de nuestros recreos lúdicos.

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

A big surprise from our Spanish Penpals!!!

To our Spanish Sister School,
Thank you so much for your beautiful letters and the hero magnets and key rings!! We were very excited to receive your parcel and we are looking forward to more adventures together.

Twilight School in Sunshine Heights Primary School

Hola amigos y amigas de Valverde!! Last Thursday we celebrated Twilight School and we did it with a Spanish Twist. We ate paella, danced zumba and had a lot of fun. We also tried to Skype our Spanish School "Menendez y Pelayo" but the internet wasn't being kind to us.

viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

Cool Spanish Speaking Countries "WordClouds"

Hola Menéndez y Pelayo!!! I hope you liked our Spanish postcards. We made them with a lot of love and effort.

This week, our grades 3 & 4 students are learning to recognise the Spanish speaking countries. We have done a brainstorm of the Spanish countries that we already knew and created these awesome "WordClouds" with the following website:

jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Australian Penpals!!

Esta semana han llegado las postales de nuestros nuevos amigos de Melbourne (Australia). Las nuestras viajarán esta semana también. Además de las postales, el paquete contenía un sorpresa, unos llaveros muy bonitos con el animal más famoso de ese país, el koala. La próxima semana leeremos las postales en las clases de 3º y 4º. Es una actividad perfecta para practicar la lengua inglesa en nuestro caso y el español para los compañeros y compañeras australianos. ¡Esto es sólo el comienzo! Thank you friends, we love your postcards and lovely souvenirs. Próximamente piblicaremos más imágenes de las postales.

martes, 4 de abril de 2017



Sunshine Heights Primary School in Melbourne, Australia (1-19 Mailey Street, West Sunshine,3020,Victoria) and CEIP. Menéndez y Pelayo inValverde del Camino, Spain (Carretera de Calañas, Valverde del Camino, 21600, Huelva), hereby agree to become sister schools in order to develop friendship and cooperation between our two schools and promote mutual understanding and cultural awareness between Australia and Spain.

It is recommended to keep this agreement to 3 years life, to allow revision to accommodate changed needs and expectations.


·      To develop cultural knowledge and intercultural understanding.
·      To support the teaching of Spanish language in Sunshine Heights PS. and English language in CEIP. Menéndez y Pelayo and to continue to teach the languages in their respective schools.
·      To develop ties of friendship through regular communication. Provide students and staff with opportunities to interact with people from other cultures.
·      To develop students into citizens who are globally engaged, comfortable with diversity and with the skills to operate effectively across cultures with different world views and belief systems.


Potential future activities:

·      Organize a Sister School ceremony in both schools to celebrate the partnership, such as planting a tree and presenting the Sister School at the school assembly.
·      Design a common blog in which both language teachers are participants, exchanginginformation about language curriculum and school events. Students could also design the logo for the blog and be participants.
·      Exchange of student work, email, letters, parcels, photos, student newspapers, etc to promote mutual understanding.
·      Regular communication between Sister School administrators, using online networks like Skype or Whatsapp.
·      Both schools will endeavour to maintain students, teachers and administrators exchange programs to provide the opportunity to all enjoy and live in the sister school community, ensuring the success of the program.
·      Exchange of teaching resources, course materials and teaching strategies between schools.
·      Consider future visits overseas for teachersinvolved in the Sister School project to better understanding of the language, culture and education system in both countries.
·      Provide video conferencing facilities which should be used for the development of electronically supported relationships between both schools.  This can include class interaction between students, teachers and PD sessions. 
·      Choose a song for both schools, “We can be friend”, which will be sung and recorded by both schools.
·      Exchange folklore between both countries, such as typical dances.
·      Create annual projects about acommon topic. For example, “We travel around the world”.
·      Study and compare information between both countries: gastronomy, meteorology, environment, etc.

In 2017, Sunshine Heights PS. and CEIP. Menéndez y Pelayo will review this agreement to determine future directions of this agreement.